Principle: Gratitude

Study and learn from the Core Inspirements for the Family with your family.

  1.  Australia has so many biomes, forest, desserts and other geographic features it is impossible to list them all. But one of the most notable features Is the Great Barrier Reef. Watch this short video to get a basic idea of what this marvel is.
  2. Please chose a biome of Australia to study bring at least three facts about the biome to class to share also please know at least one animal from this biome.
  3. 91% of Australia is vegatation what a cool Australian plant you like?
  4. Be inspired, Go learn, and have fun 
P.S. you MUST have fun or you will fail this class.

Choose 1 or more of these options. As Wesley said, whatever you do, "Be inspired, Go learn, and have fun". (As with all learning seek and use the Spirit to guide and teach you. The more resources or accounts you explore; the more clear the facts will be identifiable and the opinions and ideas of man will be distinguishable.) 

  1. Last week's inspirements invited us to learned about the creation, specifically the waters. This week learn about the Aborigine account of the creation from this video "The Secret of Dreaming: An Australian Aboriginal Myth of Creation". Compare the explanation of the creation in the video account with the account of the creation in Genesis chapters 1-2 and Moses chapters 2-3
  2. Learn about the Aborigine people of Australia. This video "The Men of Fifth World -Planet Doc Full Documentaries" and this article "People of the Dreamtime" that covers so much and has a lot of variety. 
*Continue to take time to record thoughts and feelings of GRATITUDE as linked in Leadership for this month's principle.


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